Sunday, April 5, 2015

Clone Zone: Put Your Content On Any Website You Want

The world of digital literacy just got murkier. Today I learned about Clone Zone, a website that allows users to annotate any website they want.

This means that you can change any online newspaper to your version of The Onion.

I used the existing photos from the USA Today website in the above example, but I changed the text. If I wanted, I could have changed the photos as well. 

That's great for teachers, but probably not-so-great for Facebook users. 

Full Disclosure: 
I'm Not Sure The Comments To This Fake Article Aren't Fake As Well

Besides the fun of making your own fake content, there's a lot of potential to teach digital literacy with Clone Zone. Now teachers can stretch their students' digital literacy muscles even more with customizable websites that can look like anything the teacher wants.

This means it's now a little easier to customize my resources when teaching about online authorship and content. 
Teaching Research, by salamanca

The one thing that doesn't seem possible yet with Clone Zone is to change the links of the webpage. If users (teachers) could do that, they could create a whole online ecosystem for digital literacy. 

Yesterday Clone Zone went into closed Beta, and if you want to try it out, check out the link to find out how to sign up. 

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